Saturday, May 16, 2009

Knock Knock...... it's the mailman!!

If you had a brush through my last post, you would have noticed that there are a lot of things I have been doing around. Though, being practical one can easily realise that doing all of that simultaneously is, GROSS! You just can't do all of that....... if you can, then most invited to do this post!

I took up setting up the Mailing list server as my first task. Lemme tell you something about what it is all about... all you guys interested abt techie talks, here we go:-

Mailman is a mailing list manager, well all of you must have heard of Google Groups... where you can post common mails on different threads. Mailing list is the more generic version of Google Groups, generally a more crude and uneasy interface. Though it is much more elegent in the terms that you can have MUCH more control over the people who post, how they post, setting up spam-filters, blocking out open relays and all sort of that crap.

I have done quite a bit of fiddling with this tool and have a copy of it running safe and sound on a local server. I used Postfix as the Mail Server( MTA ). There's a request for a global IP to be assigned to me so that I can test my postfix installation with the more common Gmail, Yahoo or Rediff servers on the NET.

It's more of a legacy that will be left behind, the main purpose for scripting this kind of server was to maintain a archive of all discussions that might have taken place somewhere on some topic. It is generally found that later these discussions can be helpful... maybe in some research or someone interested in exploring!

Let's hope i can finish it up ASAP :D!

The second thing that I have dived into is Django.... sincerely speaking it roxx! You cannot get enough, and when I had a completely working site with a Forum, Blog, Code Post Space and generic featues like Login/Sign Up..... I was taken aback. Well Sumit has been quite a handful... having done all the CSS and templates part he's been the guy to watch out for.

The MaximumEntropy Part........ ummm... havent really got into that much though Rohit has been pretty upbeat with it.... but i'll get to it once I finish the Mailing List business.

Chao :)

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