Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It tasted like success.......

Well people really don't realize the raw power of linux..... but to their amaze it's damn true that Linux in any form is just GREAT!!!!

Well this shall not be one of the long post that i put up... but rather a short one, for some of linux buffs it might be interesting ;-)

To start with my dear friend Rohit Ramesh Hiwale, messed up with his Ubuntu 8.10 in this way---> He was playin with some installation package, maybe OpenGL( a graphics library ), and he issued a command:

$>sudo rm -R /usr/lib/GL

But i really believe he entered some equivalent of:

$>sudo rm -R /usr/lib/

So what does that do, it's nothin less then a cold blooded suicide :-D
It removes everything( rm ) recursively, including sub dir's( -f ) and giving sudo( root privellages ), makes it all the less painful for Ubuntu to do it :-D. And it's the library directory, well u cant even compile a C program after that.... so the seriousness is inherent :-)

And now he's up against the wall.... ahhhh!!!!

No worries.... i got his technically dead OS workin up and fine as Follows:

1. I first ran the computer on a Ubuntu 8.10 Live Cd.
2. Set up internet( LAN ) connectivity. ssh'ed into my computer( somthing like connecting to my computer )!
3. Copied all the files for /usr/lib... though many may be incompatible or rather useless so to say,....
4. To our utter surprise it worked.... voila!!!!!

Hmmm it tasted like success.... specifically when u analyze the problem and come up with a drastcally innovative solution......

What we learn: Respect the privellages while working in Linux.... if u dont u r doomed to be destroyed :-D, just like Rohit just did.... :-D

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