Saturday, February 21, 2009

Google -- Behind the Scenes

It's been a Lot of time that I have scribbled something worth unleashing, specially for those who apprise critically aesthetic views, about technologies and their Ethical aspects.

It's Google thats going under the hammer throughout this post.... how astounding, just consider this Blog as an object. It's pasted on a website that itself is a Google enterprise and I am currently logged in as a gmail account holder. I chat through Gmail clients, where it's almost unnecessary to do so( yupzz.... google uses an Open Source protocol called Jabber to Internet Chat Client, Google Talk ) and I use Orkut which has got more information about me then I have about myself. It has all the 100 odd pics of me, my friends, the place I live and everything that can be called PERSONAL.

Well if I am offensive about google this post might just vanish from the database( google are bright bunch of pple and have enough expertise on the algorithms they develop :P ) or de refrenced so that I am the only person reading it and Google like a big brother, laughing at my vanity. Yes people, it is TRUE!!
How many of us DO NOT use Google for our daily browsing. Or have used other interface save Google Talk. I doubt very few, very very few. I wont refrain from using the brand Microsoft( Bill please sue me... i care a shit for you ). How many of you computer addicts can even BREATHE if given an operating system other than Windows.... haha.... i am skeptical if you can even perform your mundane chores on a Win98 edition......

Enough of leg pulling.... back to future. I watched a Video recently which talked about the GOOGLE.... *THE GOOGLE*. The company which soared as the fastest bizzark in IT field.... nothing but a Research Project of two bomblasting minds Larry Page and Sergery Brin. They even thought of selling it( Before Google happened ).

NOTE: An interesting fact btw... Google gave it's first controversial Executive interview in PLAYBOY :P

So whats wrong with google.... they give free services to people.... see how much they care for everybody, Gmail, Gtalk, GDocs, Google-Earth, GBooks, Orkut and almost 100's of amazingly apt and useful applications...... all for FREE.
Wow that is a mighty alluring offer. I too was under the light and impression that it is the fact..... but you know what? everybody on this hellish web uses Google to do the slightest of their work, they got 60% shares anyways. You are like a cat in a Box, a frog in a Tunnel, the consequences may be worse dear friends.

My point is Google today has mighty database, almost everything that is poured into the this ever expanding spider's home is supposed to be tracked by Google, they have the impressive Page Rank(by Larry Page) which is a collection of carefully architect algorithms, a treat to internet community. But they have also gathered a lot of sensitive data... take for example you!! You have almost your whole life stored in there. Your Orkut, Gmail accounts, your line by line chats, your emails, your EACH AND EVERY action is being monitored. Who's responsible for all this.... who's responsible for your privacy.

Recent news that flew in from US, stated that the US millitary wanted a log of "sensitive data" that people searched on the internet... i am sure it's more than just "people", they are certainly bullying Google.

All right Google can ensure my data and privacy is intact and thats all they can do, and they are pretty straight with it. But, but the issue is just not what they guarantee, but whats REALITY. How can you say that Google can't be hacked... their integrity can't be challenged by enterprise intensive reasons... in lay man's language.... they can be leaked. It can be the case with any database, but Google is just too large and bloated... if it all explodes, it wont be anything less than a Big Bang ;).

I am not concerned for those who use Google for mere searching but for those who search just to use Google :). The Human Rights Activists might just be irritating but they do have a point.

Take this, would you like your child just sit on a Google desktop and search for his assignments..... NO ......never. It's equivalent to killing his ability to compare.... to dominate, to have his own opinion. It's necessary that he has multitude of paths to soak in knowledge. It would be funny if he's given a single Encyclopedia to read and solve his queries.... how so ever big this encyclopedia is.... it's just too small for this creativity called brain.

So be a bit careful while using any service which can source in your information, I have seen some of the brighter human activists in this field( including me myself ) who try to distribute information rather than concentrating on singleton.

Happy Googling !!

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